Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

When was the last we pray ? 

By : Ustadz Yusuf Mansur

In a very difficult situation, there is no way out, all so dark, dead-end.

Suddenly, there was a man who asked us, “when was the last you pray?”

Oh ..!!! Perhaps we have gone too long not to pray. Pray with all of our hearts

In a position we really need Allah. Like a full stomach we may not be perfect pretend hungry

Like a sunshine and hot weather. We cannot be perfect feel cold, and as big waterlogged due the rain

Only those who are hungry could cry, moan. Perhaps because of his hungry, just moaning inaudible

But certainly from deepest of our heart, we moan. The moans that Allah wants to hear. Allah wants to hear our voice. The voice of the person who really need Allah.

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